Explore your Purpose

Do this exercise to explore your purpose: Start by clearing your mind and grounding into yourself by mediating on the breath for 5-10 minutes.  Then contemplate and/or journal:

1.       What is the purpose of my life?

2.       What rare talents do I bring to this world?

3.       What do I really want to study and learn about?


Reflect on your responses or, if you continued reading, reflect on your immediate thoughts.  If you centered your answers on pursuits to ultimately acquire status and material wealth, please go back to the inquiry and dig deeper! Why?  Because it matters as to whether you will truly Manifest these things.

Focusing your purpose on external and material things is not only problematic, but also unfulfilling.  Most people that achieve their dreams experience temporary happiness with overall discontentment, realizing they missed the mark.  Many people need to go through rounds and rounds of successes and failures that don’t make them happy until finally they seek an alternative approach.

If you have been steering the course of your life towards obtaining external esteem, status and/or material wealth, you likely have experienced a great deal of disappointment.  Much of the time our material dreams are dependent on things outside of ourselves or events, or people, we cannot control.  When we don’t achieve our material goals, we can feel bereft of value because we placed our value on the external while ignoring our actual value that comes from within.

Orienting towards an externally focused, materialistic purpose can also prove to be too inflexible. Our view is too limited and we can end up disheartened over the closed door while ignoring the open window. Ask yourself, would my soul, the universe, a higher power see these pursuits as meaningful? Would they want to invest energy and effort into making them manifest?

In Mary Morrissey’s DreamBuilder Program, she asks: Does your dream enliven your spirit; align with your core values; require you to evolve; require help from a higher power; and is it also good for others?  When your defined purpose or dream hits all these marks, who wouldn’t invest to help you?  This is where the universe or higher power is willing to align with you and co-create because the dream is aligned with your one ultimate purpose…to discover and truly know the intangible, eternal part of you that wants to extend love, play and be joyful.

After all, why are we alive?  Did we form out of a mysterious cosmos only to seek material possessions, try in futility to control the chaotic nature of living in a world of interdependent life forms, only to die into a nothingness once all this work disappears?  Or did we come to this material world from an eternal somethingness to experience something so meaningful that it would stay with our eternal Being beyond this worldly realm?

When we align our purpose with goals that require us to evolve our eternal being, then we’ve hit the mark!  Missing the mark usually comes from confusion about who we truly are.  At times, we may get a glimpse of our True Self; yet most of the time we believe our True Self is elusive because it’s challenging to accept the Truth…that we are not the mind nor the body nor the amalgamation of the roles we play, that our thoughts and dramas are meaningless in the cosmic scale, and that our free will is not freely independent.  Who we Truly Are may be even more challenging to accept after decades of accepting the external, material world as the reality, when it is a reality.  Who are we? We are formless consciousness intimately connected with the Source of all creation.  However, everyone needs to experience their True Self to know it – it’s too otherworldly to just believe.

That’s all a bit deep and may not make sense to those of us just looking for a more manageable and more purposeful life. Yet, profound lessons in the nature of our Being can be gained by everyday, ordinary experiences. Perhaps our immediate, or lifelong, purpose is to experience and give unconditional love; perhaps serve others with more intentionality and kindness; perhaps evolve our spiritual vibration and overcome karmic densities; perhaps learn forgiveness and acceptance; perhaps all of these or perhaps something different.  When we dig deep to find a purpose that makes steps toward, rather than away from, our ultimate purpose of knowing and expressing the true nature of our Being, we feel peace, the sense of discontentment dissolves, and happiness abounds

If you feel lost, not orienting your life towards a specific material or worldly goal, try this: Remind yourself daily that your overall purpose in life is To Extend Love, Play and Be Joyful and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise (Carol Howe).  You could put in on your phone as a reminder:

My purpose is to extend love, play and be joyful. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. 

With a profound and flexible daily focus such as this, you can navigate through each day, generally on the right track, knowing you will eventually find joyful alignment with your true purpose: one that capitalizes on your unique talents, causes you to stretch and grow, allows you to be your authentic self, and brings you utter contentment.  If you want to navigate a purposeful life that aims towards love, joy, playfulness and contentment, contact me.  I have tools that can help you rediscover You and create a life of wellness.

Be Well.


The Mind-Body Connection